
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Trial Balance

The Trial balance gives a listing of all accounts, with their balances entered as debits or credits in columns. This makes it possible to evaluate whether or not the total debits for the period cited are in balance with the total number of credits generated for the same period. When a true trial balance exists, the total credits and total debits will be equal.

The Loan Performer Trial Balance shows the opening Debits and Credit balances, the Transactions during the period and the ending Balance at the end of the period selected.

How to view the Trial balance

To view the trial balance you got to Accounts/Financial Reports/Trial balance. A screen that looks like one below appears:

Note that Loan Performer offers the flexibility of displaying the report in different currencies.

By default Loan Performer does not include off balance sheet items in the Trial Balance.

In Loan Performer all Accounts are categorized under Main Groups, e.g., "Assets, Liabilities, Income or Expenses" and under each category they are further categorized as under Sub groups, e.g., "Current Assets, Current Liabilities etc.". You therefore have the option of viewing the Totals of the Trial Balance as a Plain Listing, Totaled under Main Categories or further displayed as Totals of Main Groups and Sub Groups. See below

Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Accounting Report Formats.

LPF offers you different format in which you can generate the reports e.g. .pdf, .xls, .dbf etc. If you don't have adobe application installed on your machine select another format.

In addition, you have the two options View and Print which enable you to look at the report before printing it. If the applications that allow you to see the report in the different formats mentioned above are not installed in your computer, you may send it directly to the printer and look at the hard copy.

Click on the OK button to generate the trial balance that will look as follows:

Click on the Close button to exit.

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